The LadiesCon 2018 Wrap-Up
LadiesCon 2018 has come and gone. And if you were among the many people to be there as an attendee, volunteer, vendor, panelist, or guest, you know what an amazing day it was. We put a lot of work into planning LadiesCon every year to make sure it's a great time for everyone involved, but even we couldn't anticipate just how wonderful this year's convention would be.
Attendance is one of the most important factors in making LadiesCon a success. We can bring in exciting guests, set up our excellent vendors, organize terrific panels, and advertise to let you know about all of it. But ultimately, the convention needs people to come. We're thrilled to report that 2018 was our most attended LadiesCon ever, with more than 1,000 people attending our little three-year-old convention!
Special Guests
Our special guests are a main attraction at LadiesCon every year. For 2018, we were privileged to have returning guests Erica Henderson, Ming Doyle and Kristen Gudsnuk and first time guests Marjorie Liu and Jason Badower. All five of our guests spent the day greeting fans, signing books, and drawing commissions. We're extremely grateful to all of them for joining us.
The vendors of LadiesCon brought their A game once again, providing attendees with a wide variety of goodies to purchase. We had art, pins, makeup, clothing, jewelry, crafts, and of course, comics. They're a huge part of LadiesCon and we're so glad to have all the veterans and the newcomers who tabled this year.
Our LadiesCon panelists were busy throughout the day talking to our attendees about fascinating topics. We had panels on fandom, comics retail, nerdy knitting, cosplay, and the portrayal of time in comics. Big thanks to all of our panelists this year for the information and entertainment you provided.
Get Involved
Maybe you went to LadiesCon this year and had a ton of fun. Maybe it was your first time attending, or maybe you went to our previous conventions. Maybe you didn't go this year, but reading about how great it was is making you super excited for next year's LadiesCon. Whether you've been with us since the beginning or you're just finding out about LadiesCon, there are lots of ways you can help us with the next one.
Follow Us!
If you want all of the latest information on our plans for LadiesCon or anything else, the best way to get it is to keep up with us online. Our website will continue to be updated with information about the next convention. You can subscribe to our newsletter for all of the latest Ladies of Comicazi news in your inbox. We're on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram too, promoting our events, our writing, and pink skeletons. And of course, we'll be talking about LadiesCon right here on the blog.
Support our Events!
LadiesCon is free to attend and we want to keep it that way. But we still need funds to secure the space, bring in our special guests, and pay for many of the other aspects that make LadiesCon what it is. In addition to the financial help provided by our sponsors, our events throughout the year help us to raise money to keep LadiesCon going. You can have a fun time while supporting future LadiesCons! Watch our social media and our newsletter for more about our upcoming events.
As a free convention, we rely on a staff of wonderful volunteers to help keep LadiesCon running smoothly. You can volunteer to do anything from supervising a panel to helping set up tables to hanging posters. We'll have more information on volunteering on the LadiesCon site as the next convention gets closer.