Cosplay Ladies of Comicon: Midge Scully

The Boston Comic-Con Cosplay extra-special extra posts continue! Next up is Midge Scully!  


The Costume: I'm embarrassed to admit that I was sure I already knew what this costume was, and I was wrong. Midge here is not, as one might imagine, a gender-swapped Lobo. She's cos-playing as Slobo,  Lobo's teenaged clone from Young Justice #38-55. While you might think the distinction is minute, I felt bad for jumping to conclusions: 1. Because Slobo is a teenager and thus less jacked than regular-sized Lobo, Midge's costume is even better and 2. Because Midge seemed pretty enthusiastic about the character, and I was ashamed I'd never heard of him. Apparently his only appearance so far is in that short run in 90's era Young Justice, but still. Midge told us it's pretty fun and since it's written by Peter David, who tends be  reliably good, I believe her. So thanks to this conversation, I have a new comic to check out. Hurray!

Favorite costume piece/biggest challenge: The chain with hook and the shoe caps - she put this costume together at the last minute and didn't think it would come together so fast! Plus the shoe caps are removable, making the boots wearable for multiple costumes. Since having looked at her cos-play page and seen the wide variety of characters Midge has done, that's just plain sensible.


Cosplay experiences: So far, so good! Midge told us that she's had only positive experiences at this stage. What she likes about cosplay, she said, is that you get to meet people who like what you like, and it's great to see their excitement when you're in costume as a character they're really into.


Thoughts on Clown Spiders: We showed her a sticker with the image of Tiny Doom's nemesis. "I like it!" she declared. "I like spiders, I think they're cute. Clowns not so much..." We'll call this one a conditional victory for our mirthful mascot. Thanks for your time, Midge!  (click the link to see more of her work!)
