Bat-Month Wrap Up

Bat-Month and its corresponding in-store event Bat-Night have come and gone. The entire thing was a big success and we would like to thank everyone who read our posts, commented on our posts, came to the event, or otherwise participated. It was great to see so many of you at-Bat-Night and with your help, we raised $100 for The One Fund! The Episodes shown were: Almost Got 'im Harlequinade Over the Edge Mudslide And the voted on Fan Favorite: Heart of Ice

We had a lot of fun preparing for Bat-Night, but it was a lot of work too. Here, for example, is one of the highly serious brainstorming sessions we had on Facebook to come up with food options for the event:

Smalerie: How could we have missed Ra's al Ghul-ash? (Goulash) The Red Menace: Oh MY. Cartoon Sara: I...don't know? TRM: Perhaps because it isn't exactly a snack. It is, however, brilliant. CS: Though neither is a Killer Croc-Pot. TRM: On the same line, as I sit here making chili I feel like Mr. Freeze could provide an entire meal. Depends on what is IN the Killer Croc-Pot! S: What was the tag line for Joker's pie? TRM: It's CRAZY delicious! S: OK. Wanted to make sure I wrote it right. CS: And the Harlinquinade packs a punch. S: Commissioner gorditas? CS: I think that's all the taglines we had. TRM: Oh lord, I am laughing all over again. Commissioner Gorditas! Clearly you just needed some time, Smal. GENIUS IDEAS. S: Also a few drinks TRM: That can definitely spark the imagination. S: Goth-ham and cheese TRM: Someone stop her before she hurts herself, people! CS: Oswald Cobblepot pie? TRM: Dudes, I am actually laughing out loud. All alone at home. CS: Our work is done here. S: Pot pie! Brilliant!!!! I love this game TRM: There is a cookie called the langue de chat - cat's tongue - a little obscure but langues de Catwoman is grossly amusing. Also, how would you work in Bane? CS: Bane-nana bread? :S TRM: I had the feeling bananas were the best way to work him in S: Ha! TRM: Another beverage could be the Deadshot, which would just be some sort of deadly alcoholic beverage. S: I keep trying to think of one for the Scare Crow. Roast Turkey and Crane-berry sauce? TRM: Oh man, I wasn't even thinking about him. Hmm.. Scare-croquettes? Turkey Scarecroquettes with Craneberry Sauce. CS: That. TRM: Mad Hatter just gets tea, poor guy. PS: The Open Two Faced sandwich might be my favorite. CS: Just have to find sufficiently contrasty fillings. TRM: Two ways of thinking about that. One, you could have two things that work together, but look different, ala PB and J. OR, you have two completely different sandwiches, like PBJ and Chicken salad. S: So it sounds like we might actually have to make that one TRM: It just makes me laugh, and could be an actual visual gag. S: I am willing to make several of these They make me happy I love the idea of contrasting sandwiches One sweet and one savory One hot, one cold< TRM: Sinners, saints.


I'm really glad that we were able to share this conversation because it just proves how much fun it can be to plan an event like this.   We had conversations on-line, in person planning meetings with AMAZING food, and then got to top it all off with a great evening.  Not too shabby.  Oh, and just a little something for those of you non-local readers to think about - hosting an event like this works great at a home.  In fact, easier if you have access to a kitchen and a nice TV.  Best of all, you don't really need an excuse to like a holiday or birthday to go all out.  In case you need a little more inspiration, we are going to share even more goodies from our event.  So keep reading!

Tiny Doom

Raffle prizes- As mentioned we did a small raffle...small but mighty as we managed to raise $100 for the One Fund Boston!  Prizes were of course Batman themed and had made with extra love by me and Cartoon Sara.

You may recall our previous snowglobe post.  Well I put those skills to good use again to create 2 prizes, one Joker themed and one Harley themes.  Frankly if our viewing of B:TAS episodes taught us anything it's that it is best to keep these two separated.  So forever locked in their own jars (barring any unforeseen mishaps) they went off to new and different homes.


Our grand prize was a print by our very own Cartoon Sara.  As you have likely noticed CS is a very talented artist, who graciously donated one of her prints to cause...framed and everything!  This is her second in a series of Batman prints (the first was actually inspired by our fan favorite episode).  We especially liked this one because of  lady theme, and went to a very good home!

Batgirl Ivy web

Cartoon Sara The print was an idea I had kicking around beforehand. Once we started planning Bat-Night, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to debut it. I'm very pleased that it went over so well and that it helped to raised additional money for the One Fund. If anyone's interested, there are still copies available at Comicazi.

BatFood final web

I had another art project keeping me busy. Since my culinary skills are somewhat lacking, I decided to pitch in by making illustrated signs for the various Batman-themed foods we served. The names and descriptions were a group effort. They were all fun to draw, though I think the Arkham Mixed Nuts on is my favorite. I have this mental image of Joker strutting around singing the Chiquita Banana song.

I was so happy to see such a positive response to Bat-Night, both from everyone who attended and from my fellow Ladies, who were on board as soon as the idea was suggested. We're definitely going to have to do something like this again.

The Red Menace

Like the other Ladies, I was blown away by the response to this event. From the actual posts to the snacks, people were so kind and excited about everything we did.

I was responsible for the Batarang Brownies listed above, and was so pleased with how they came out:

I also made the tea cake and Harlequin-Ade:


Here's the full spread:


The Ladies would like to thank all of the staff at Comicazi - you were so helpful and fabulous and without you there would literally be no event. Thanks also to all of the folks who voted in the poll and came to watch cartoons with us - it's more fun with friends. Extra special thanks to Tom Majkut, who saved our skins with replacement audio equipment, Kevin Harrington and Kevin Church (yes, we know a lot of Kevins) for promoting the heck out of this event, and to Bob Howard, for being awesome.
