To ensure the safety and full enjoyment of all participants we have put together Rules of Conduct.

Convention Floor Safety

The organizers of LadiesCon want our attendees to be able to enjoy interactions with our guests and vendors. However, due to the size of our convention area and the vendor and guest tables, there may not always be space to stand and have lengthy conversations. For safety and courtesy reasons, we ask that you avoid blocking walkways and be respectful of others by keeping your browsing and conversations to a reasonable length. Your free ticket allows you to re-enter the convention floor after exiting, so you can always come back when a guest or vendor is less busy to continue talking.

Rules for Cosplayers

LadiesCon welcomes cosplayers. However, for your safety and the safety and enjoyment of your fellow attendees, we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Family friendly costumes – LadiesCon is and all-ages convention, so all costumes must be appropriate for viewing by young children. If you are not sure if your costume meets this requirement, you can contact us in advance to ask.
  • No bulky costumes or props – Our floor space is limited, so costumes with large, wide components like wings or unwieldy props may make it difficult for you and others to get around the convention. Again, you can ask in advance if you’re unsure whether your costume will be an issue.
  • Don’t block walkways – We know some cosplayers enjoy chatting with other attendees and taking pictures with them and we encourage this. But again, we have limited floor space and we want to be sure that everyone can get around. Our staff members will be happy to help you find a safe, convenient, location to interact with attendees.
  • No actual weapons – Prop weapons are allowed, but if it can actually be used to injure someone, don’t bring it.


LadiesCon has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY towards physical or verbal harassment. Actions including – but not limited to:

  • Offensive verbal comments
  • Stalking
  • Sustained disruption of any event or vendor area
  • Unwelcome and/or inappropriate physical contact
  • Physical or verbal intimidation
  • Physical assault and/or battery

will not be permitted. Additionally, we do not allow harassment of any individual based on factors including – but not limited to:

  • Race
  • Nationality
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Body type
  • Religion
  • Disability

Harassment of Cosplayers

LadiesCon fully supports the “Cosplay is not Consent” philosophy. No cosplayer at LadiesCon is required to interact with, be photographed or filmed by, or have physical contact with any other attendee, vendor, panelist, or guest. Attendees may ask cosplayers for a picture or video, bust must respect their rights to set parameters or say no.

Reporting Harassment

If you are being harassed, you see someone else being harassed, or you have questions about something you have witnessed, please report to one of our staff members at the Ladies of Comicazi table at the convention entrance or on the convention floor. All reports of harassment will be taken seriously and investigated promptly.

Consequences of Harassment and Other Prohibited Behavior

The consequences for anyone engaging in harassing behavior or other prohibited behavior are up to the discretion of the LadiesCon staff. Actions the convention staff may take include, but are not limited to:

  • Temporarily removing the person from the LadiesCon venues
  • Permanently removing the person from the LadiesCon venues for the duration of the convention
  • Permanently banning the person from all future LadiesCon conventions and/or related events
  • Contacting local law enforcement

On behalf of the LadiesCon organizers and staff, we thank you all for doing your part to make LadiesCon safe and fun for everyone.