While I'm not always the best at knowing about new books and their release dates, I am blessed to be surrounded by people and - in some cases - things (*waves at Amazon algorithm), that know me well enough to give me a gentle nudge in the right direction. Whether it be a friend making reccomendations, a knowledgeable staff member at my local shop, or some strange Goodreads based rabbit hole I've fallen into, there are a lot of great ways to hear about what's new in the world of comic books. Thanks to my many resources, I've managed to make a very nice discovery. In the interest of trying to include myself in that grand network of book sharing, I wanted to use my post this month to let you know about one of my latest finds that is truly enjoyable.
Read MoreA couple of summers ago, I reviewed some books, as I am wont to do. One of them was An Augmented Fourth by friend of the Ladies and local celebrity Tony McMillen. Since then, Tony's written and drawn a comic, Lumen. Since the first four issue arc has just drawn to a close, it felt like a good time to tell you all about it - you can get in on the ground floor of what I hope will be an ongoing series, while still getting a complete story.
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