ELS Gaming on Discord
Step 1- Sign up for the Discord Chat service.
Step 2- Join the ELS Chat Message Savannah Camacho via Facebook when you’re ready, and she’ll send you the link. If she hasn’t responded in 2 hours, that means it got caught in Message Requests. Nudge her via the ELS Day Group on Facebook, or message the Ladies of Comicazi on Facebook.
Step 3- On the day of, join the General Voice Channel (on the left). All it takes is a simple click on the channel itself. It should automatically connect. If you’re having issues, let us know in the regular chat.
Step 4- When we’ve settled on a game, look at Savannah’s name under the Voice Channel There will be a red LIVE. There should be a pop up that has an option for “Join Stream.” Click that!
Step 5- Get a phone, tablet, or second computer and go to jackbox.tv and enter the Room Code displayed on the streaming screen.
Step 6- HAVE FUN!! This Discord channel is a permanent thing, so feel free to chat at any time! Savannah is always logged in, so someone will be around to talk about whatever you’d like! <3